Life is Better Together!

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The Vision

We believe that life is better together! And the best way to do life together is by getting plugged into a group. Joining a small group is vitally important to your spiritual growth. We have a wide variety of groups to choose from that meet 7 days a week on and off-campus. Traditional Sunday School classes meet at The Original and The Branch campuses. Other small groups including but not limited to in-home bible study groups, athletic/exercise groups, interest/hobby-focused groups, restaurant/coffee groups, etc meet throughout the week at a variety of locations and times. There is a group for everyone!

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 Group Finder

104 Results Found

10th-12th High School Girls

Sunday School for 10th-12th Grade Girls
10th-12th High School Guys

Sunday School for 10th-12th Grade Guys
6th-7th Middle School Girls

Sunday School for 6th & 7th Grade Girls
6th-7th Middle School Guys

Sunday School for 6th & 7th Grade Guys
6th-8th Middle School Girls- Macon

Led By Hadyn Weeks Meets in Fuse @ 9:00am Macon Campus 1415 Bass Rd. Macon, GA 31210
6th-8th Middle School Guys- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Led By Parker Jones and Travis Tuggle Sunday Mornings at 9:00 Meets In Fuse
8th & 9th Grade Girls

Sunday School for 8th & 9th Grade Girls
8th & 9th Grade Guys

Sunday School For 8th & 9th Grade Guys
9th-12th High School Girls- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Led By Amy Gitschlag and Brittany Hickman Meets Sundays at 9:00 in Fuse
9th-12th High School Guys- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Led By Nathan Houston and Bob Gitschlag Sunday Mornings at 9:00am Meets In Fuse
A Joyful Noise

The 1st Friday of every month at 7:00 PM

Coed group for people that have a heart for audio and technology in a church setting.
All In Men's Lunch Group

Friday | 12:00 PM

Join the All in Men for devotion and fellowship every week at a different restaurant. Led By Michael Fuller
Anchored In Hope

Monday | 6:30 PM

Breaking the silence by caring for victims of past trauma such as abuse, war, racism, miscarriage, abandonment, depression, PTSD, and other lasting wounds. "This hope...
Better Together Marriage- Macon

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Life is Better Together! This small group is designed for married couples to connect and grow in their walk with God together. Join us each...

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

The Bible is like a giant jigsaw puzzle. You’ve seen all the pieces; you’ve heard all the Bible stories but how do they fit together?...
Bible Studies for Life

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Coed Sunday School Class for 50's-70's. Meets in RS Kids building room 306. Led by Lindsey Smith.
Cafe Devos

Sunday | 9:45 AM

Are you a volunteer who serves in some capacity on Sundays, and being a part of a Sunday school group is difficult? Then we have...
Cancer Support Ministry

Tuesday | 6:00 PM

Coed Adults. To serve those in need during a time of difficulty and fear while facing a diagnosis of cancer through the love and touch...
Celebrate Recovery Ministry

Tuesday | 7:00 PM

A recovery ministry for all those with hurts, habits, and hangups! Meets Tuesday evenings at 7pm in the Branch South Auditorium. Led by Marilyn Lloyd...
Coed Bible Study: Gospel of Matthew

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Join this coed small group, any age, as we focus on the Gospel of Matthew! Meets in room 309 of the RSKids building. For more...
Cofffee & Conversations- Macon

Friday | 10:00 AM

Join us as we take a coffee break to have conversations about the amazing women of the Bible! Led By Ivy Cleveland Friday's 10am-11am Meets...
Cornerstone Class

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Meets at 9:30am in the Chapel. Led by Mike Weldon.
Courageous Faith

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Bible study for women of all ages. Will start a study on the book of Luke by Lisa Harper. We meet in room RS Kids...
Cruise to the Cross

Thursday | 6:30 PM

A men's group for car enthusiasts! Join us monthly as we cruise to different locations! Meets at 6:30pm, the first Thursday of the month. Call...
Cultivating Marriages.

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

This group is designed to strengthen marriages by fostering deeper relationships, creating discipline in love, and holding each other accountable. Time: 7:00 PM Location: The...
Daughters of the King - 11am class

Sunday | 11:00 AM

Sunday School for Ladies 20's-50's. Meets in RS Kids building, room 308 at 11am.Led by Tiffany Brennan. This Sunday School class is learning about PRAYING...
Daughters Of The King- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Our Women's Small Group is a close-knit community of sisters in Christ who are united in prayer and encouragement. We support each other through life's...
DaySpring- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Led By Larry Mimbs Meets in Room 113/115
Deaf Ministry- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Bible Study For The Deaf and Their Families. Janet also signs for our worship service so make plans to attend Sunday school and then attend...
Exploring Grace And Truth

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Exploring Grace and Truth Mission Statement Create a safe space where we can explore the Word of God and be transformed by the grace and...
Fight Club

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Sunday School Class for Men that meets in the Branch room 202. Led by Justin Weldon.
Florished Womens Group- Macon

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Current Study Is What Happens Next by Max Lucado Led By Shannon Dotsikas Meets Wednesday Nights at 7:00pm in Room 202
Forged Faith - 11am class

Sunday | 11:00 AM

Men's Sunday School @ 11am that meets in Rock Springs Kids building room 303.

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Coed Sunday School class for 50's-60's that meets at 9:30am south auditorium in the Branch. Led by Gene Barber and Jon Sexton.
Four Fires

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Men's group that meets on Wednesdays at 7pm in RS Kids 308. All men welcome! The Four-Fires is a framework for winning at life. (1)...
Freedom Finders

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Adult Ladies Sunday School Class that meets in the Butler building room 217. Led by Deb Chambers.
Fresh Start - 11am class

Sunday | 11:00 AM

Coed Sunday School Class @ 11am in RS Kids 307. Led by Greg and Ashley Evans.
Friends Who Love Jesus

Sunday | 6:00 PM

Led by Charles and Donna Skipper, this small group for couples ages 55+ that want to grow in maturity as we study God's word in...
Friendship Class- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Lead By Helen Gibson Sunday @ 9:00am Room 109
Genesis To Revelation- Macon

Thursday | 9:00 AM

Study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Meets in Room 109 Thursdays at 9. Led By Jackie Jackson.
Grief Share Support Group

Wednesday | 6:00 PM

Expressing sympathy is always difficult, but all we can say is how sorry we are and want you to know we care. The journey of...
Hiking Group


This group enjoys hiking, and basically anything outdoors! Join them for fun and fellowship as they explore God's creation together. Hikes are posted on facebook...
Joy Class

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Senior Adult Ladies Sunday School Class that meets in RS Kids building, room 308 at 9:30am. Led by Kathy Kitchens.
Kingdom Couples

Sunday | 9:30 AM

This class is designed to help build and encourage couples that desire to have Kingdom Marriages. This class is taught by Shannon & BJ Green...
Ladies Prayer Group

Monday | 1:00 PM

Join other ladies as we pray over the needs of our church and intercede for others. All women welcome. Meets in the choir room of...
Ladies Quilting Group


Quilting group for women that meets in the original campus choir room. Meets on Tuesdays from 12:15pm-3:00pm. Led by Wendy Woodruff. For more info, call...
Ladies Sunday School - 8am Class

Sunday | 8:00 AM

This class will be starting a study of the book of Joshua on Jan. 8th. They meet in the Branch, room 205. All ladies are...
Leadership Development

Monday | 7:00 PM

Purpose Statement: Acts 25:28 “Take care of yourselves and those you oversee. Shepherd the flock.” 1. Rock Springs Church (RSC) desires to intentionally train those...
Let There be a Foundation

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Co-Ed Sunday School Apologetic Class meets in the Branch room 214. We are currently taking a deep dive into Genesis and looking at it from...
Let There Be A Foundation

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

This is an apologetics class that is geared toward giving believers a basic understanding, a foundation, of some core biblical principles. It also will equip...
Life Challenge

Tuesday | 5:00 PM

A transforming walk from the OLD to New; turning lies into truth, the blind will see and the deaf will hear. Simply learning and applying...
Lighthouse Bible Study

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Coed Bible study that meets in the original campus chapel at 7pm on Wednesdays. Led by Mark and Wanda Dix. All adults are welcome.
Living With Purpose

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Coed Sunday School Class for 40's and up that meets in the RS Kids building room 304 at 9:30am. Led by Rick Taylor.
Marriage & Family Growth

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Sunday School for young married couples. Meets at 9:30am at Providence Church, up by the cross. Led by Mike and Stacey Hensley and Phil and...
Married Couple 40's and 50's- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Group Focusing on Personal growth, parenting and marriage. Led By Steve and Patti Hill Meets in Room 202 @ 9am Macon Campus 1415 Bass Rd....
Married with Toddlers

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Couples class for those with little ones under 5. Growing together in Christ and supporting the family unit. Led by Scott and Savannah Hensley. Meets...
McDonough Coed Life Group

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

This group meets biweekly on Wednesdays @ 7pm Phillip & Misty Ard's House Leaders: Phillip & Misty Ard (770) 294-4128
Men of Faith

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Sunday School for Men ages 40's-70's. Meets in RS Kids room 303 at 9:30am. Led by Jim Lester.
Men Of The Word

Wednesday | 6:30 PM

Calling all Men! This group is for men of all ages to come together for a time of fellowship and growing in the Word. We...
Men's 12 Step Recovery Group


Meets on Thursdays at the Rescue Mission of Mid GA, located on the Macon Campus. Led by Harrison Wilson. For more info and to sign...
Men's Basketball Group- Macon

Led by Jamie Parrish. For more info email
Men's Bass Fishing Group


Whether it's just fishing with other guys on a lake or pond, or fishing in a tournament, you will enjoy this group! Time/day/location varies. Contact...
Men's Bible Study

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Sunday School for Adult Men that meets at 9:30am in the Butler building library. Led by Ron Steege. This class is beginning a study on...
Men's Community Breakfast Group

Wednesday | 7:30 AM

All men welcome! Breakfast at 7:30am, Devotion at 8:30am Location: Dairy Queen in Forsyth Leader: Ronnie Daniel (478) 808-6164
Men's Discipleship

Led By David Jones Room 114 Sunday Mornings @ 9:00am
Men's Prayer Group

Sunday | 7:30 AM

Prayer over Pastors, all men welcome! Original campus office area at 7:30am on Sundays. Led by Justin Weldon.
Men's Softball Group

Friday | 6:00 PM

Calling all men softball players! Location: Rec Complex Phase 2 Time: Fridays at 6pm (Contact Parker Schultz for more details: 678-358-0393)
Men's Sr. Adult Breakfast Group

Wednesday | 8:30 AM

All senior adult men welcome! Location: Griffin Ingles. Led by Jim Lester. For more info: 770-584-7428. Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 8:30am.
Men's Workout Group

Wednesday | 5:30 PM

Men of all ages welcome! Location: RSC Rec Complex, Phase 1 Time: 5:30-6:30 Leader: Justin Weldon (770-229-8663)
Micheal and Annie's Young Marrieds Group

Thursday | 7:00 PM

A group for young married couples in their 20’s and 30’s. We will focus on what God intended marriage to look like, and how we...
Mighty Warriors- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Sunday School Class Led By Bob Thompson Meets In Room 201 @9:00am Macon Campus 1415 Bass Rd Macon, Ga 31201
Mommy & Me Playdate

Join us for a Mommy & Me Playdate one Saturday during the month. This group will meet at local parks and playgrounds and give children...
Naomi's Tribe Widows Fellowship-Macon

Thursday | 8:30 AM

Led By Suellen Richardson
New Beginnings

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Coed Sunday School for Adults ages 40's-60's. Meets in the RS Kids building, room 307 at 9:30am. Led by Josh Gooch.
Nurturing Marriage and Motherhood- Macon

Wednesday | 7:00 AM

This study is geared towards moms with elementary aged children or younger. I LOVE and have loved coming alongside women of all ages in their...
P.O.W.E.R. Ladies Small Group- Macon

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Calling Women of all ages to experience the POWER of prayer. Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in Room 205. Led by: Teresa Lemley...
Project 210 Men's Group

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

All Men welcome! Meets every Wednesday at 7pm. Location: The Branch South Auditorium Leader: Shawn Keldie & Justin Weldon (770) 229 8663
Rock Springs Running Club (RSRC)

Saturday | 8:00 AM

All fitness levels are invited to join the Rock Springs Running Club! Regardless of whether you prefer to walk or run, you will have a...
RSC Global Missions

Meetings: At least once a month at various locations. Monthly emails will be sent out with information on outreaches. Contact Kyler Albrecht for more info...
RSC Men's Group

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Men of all ages welcome! Branch Room 210 Leader: Dan Hix
RSC Outreach Center Small Group

Wednesday | 6:30 PM

Join us for "Body Builders," a dynamic and interactive Bible study dedicated to equipping believers to grow in faith, love, and service while strengthening the...
Ruth Ministry Widows Fellowship

A ministry providing fellowship for widows. Meets for lunch at 11am the 2nd Thursday of each month at selected restaurants. Led by Georgia Smith. Call...
Silver Scholars- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Class for those who want to dig a little deeper into the Scriptures, see how the past influenced our present, and apply those lessons to...
Softball Team- Macon

Lead By Jamie Parrish for more info email
Spiritual Warfare Bootcamp

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

We all need to fight against the enemy's attack. Join this ladies groups as we discover ways to combat the enemy through God's word. Wednesday...
Sunday Small Group - Young Adults

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Come and join this group for folks aged 18-25! Meets Sundays at 9:30a.m. Led by Clay Chasteen. Meets in the Branch room 210. For more...
The Bereans- Macon

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Led by Libby Lengel and David Lengel. Meets in Room 113/115 Wednesday Nights at 7:00pm. For more info and to sign up, call Libby at...
The Explorer's

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Senior Adult Sunday School Class that meets in the original campus choir room at 9:30am. Led by Dan Hix.
The Gap

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Coed Sunday School Class for 30's-40's that meets at 9:30am in the Branch room 212. Led by Jeremy Basilici and Cameron Shiflett.
The Journey Class

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

The Me I See is a 6-week study to the heart of God's Word to see yourself as you truly are and in that glorious...
The Living Word- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Senior Adult Bible Study Led By Bobby Robinson Meets in the Fellowship Hall Sunday Mornings at 9:00am Macon Campus 1415 Bass Rd Macon, GA 31210...
The Seekers

Every 2 weeks: Sundays at 12:00 AM

The Seekers Group meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 am. We are seeking to grow in the Lord through learning...
The Sisterhood: A Mentoring Journey for Moms

Wednesday | 6:45 PM

*On break for summer 2024 and will begin again in August 2024, date TBA. For all moms with kids ages K5-8th grade. We are here...
The Upper Room Intercessory Prayer

Sunday | 11:00 AM

A room with no walls. The Holy Spirit is the "center of it all". Enjoy an atmosphere of praise and worship to Him, bowing humbly...
The Vessel

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Sunday School Class for Women 20's-40's that meets in the Branch room 207. Led by Allie Andrews, Amanda Weldon, and Sarah Weldon.
The Well

Sunday | 9:30 AM

Ladies Sunday School Class for ages 50's-70's that meets in RS Kids building, room 305. Led by Rhenee Barber.
Thrive Senior Adult Ministry

Wednesday | 6:00 PM

All senior adults welcome! Meets on Wednesdays in the Branch south auditorium. Come for dinner at 5pm, program at 6pm. Led by Darryl Woodruff. For...
Thrive Senior Adult Ministry - Macon

Wednesday | 5:00 PM

All senior adults invited! Meets Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at our Macon Campus, 1415 Bass Rd.Macon, GA 31210. For more info,...
Ultimate Frisbee

Monday | 6:00 PM

All ages! Located at RSC Recreation Complex Time: Mondays at 6:00pm Leader: Katie Bell (678) 572 5439
Wednesday Noon Bible Study

Wednesday | 12:00 PM

Bible study open to all women. Led by Courtney Wall. Meets in the choir room of the original campus sanctuary building on Wednesdays from 12pm...
Women Of Faith- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Multi-generational women's bible study, primarily attended by those in midlife and beyond. Led by Joyce Perkins Meets in Room 108/112 at 9:00am Macon Campus 1415...
Women of G.R.I.T.

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Bible study open to all women. Come study and grow in God's truth and enjoy fellowship and fun times with other ladies. Led by Jessica...
Young Adults Small Group- Macon

Sunday | 9:09 AM

Young Married And Engaged- Macon

Sunday | 9:00 AM

Class for couples 20-30 years of age. Class Primarily Focuses on Marriage, Parenting and Person Walk With The Lord. Led By Spencer and Cathrine Braley...

Questions? Let us know! We can always walk you through the process. 

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